【文獻標題】Protective and therapeutic effects of nanoliposomal quercetin on acute liver injury in rats
【作者】Xiangyan Liu,Yang Zhang,, Ling Liu,et.al
【作者單位】中南大學(Central South University)
【關鍵詞】Quercetin, Liver injury, Liposome, Nanoparticles, Bioavailability
【出版期刊】《BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 》
Refined soy lecithin Lipoid S100 was from Germany Lipoid GmbH (No.790495–1). Cholesterol was from Beijing Chemical Reagent Co. Quercetin was from Hunan nine modern Chinese Medicine Co. The hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining kit was from Shanghai Huyu Biological Technology Co. GPT/GOT ELISA kit was from Shanghai Ximei Biological Technology Co. Bilirubin assay kit was from Shanghai Hengyuan Biological Technology Co. Carbon tetrachloride was from Beijing Jinhuitaiya Chemical Reagent Co. All other reagents such as anhydrous alcohol,ether, and methanol were of analytical grade.
